I need to vent

Written by Matthew Warlick

June 11, 2006

Because my shoulder hurts, really hurts, for the first time in a good while. Getting back to playing drums has really helped, physically and mentally, and I’ve been feeling pretty good up until this evening, but I’m having some wicked trouble sleeping and needed someone to vent to.

So thanks.

Pain clouds thought so I’ll try to post something more constructive soon.

Remember, this pain is an illusion.

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  1. Claire

    Hi, I am facing shoulder pain/nerve damage similar to what you have described in your blog. Have you found relief from your chronic pain? Do you feel that you have made progress since your last surgery?
    All the best…

    • Matthew

      After several years of physical therapy, exercise (yoga and running) and countless hours meditating, especially on the pain, I’ve managed to get it to a point that I can live with. I sometime have bad days where I’ve slept on it wrong or pulled a muscle nearby that refers pain, but aside from that and the occasional tingling in my hand it’s pretty bearable.

  2. jake

    Hey, I just got ,my clavicle surgery…absolutely the worst pain I have ever experienced. The fucked up thing is that 4 years ago I developed rsd like your dad from playing too much on my violin and guitar! after three years and countless hours of extreme pain I somehow managed to break my clavicle in 3 while riding on my skateboard last week. I absolutely understand this twisted fate. I fucking hope to every god and every spirit out there that my rsd doesn’t resurface too hard with this new injury. Anyways just felt like sharin cus nobody really understands when they can’t see the problem, I hope you keep healin and getting better everyday.

    be well brother,