by Matthew Warlick | Jan 18, 2011 | Art & Illustration, Blog, Randomness
As is often the case when I’m under the gun with deadlines and other work madness I’ve been neglecting the blog. My last post was November 18th so it’s been a good 2 months of craziness with new gigs, deadlines, holidays, family matters and all other sorts of distractions.
They’ve mostly been the good kind of distractions, including a new contractor gig as Art Director for Idea-Loop, a web and mobile app dev shop born from the ashes of the original crew let go from Rockfish Interactive when the new management came in and cleaned house. Coupled with holidays, new work deadlines and some personal issues I’m just now getting caught up on the new year and at a place where I can post again.
One horribly bad distraction was the sudden and crippling near-deadline death of my beloved PC. Thankfully my data is all tripled archived, but with a looming deadline and no working machine I was more than frustrated. Thanks to a favor from a friend I managed to get the work done on a borrowed machine. I’ve since repaired the beast (it was a blown power supply) and setup a second, alternate workstation for emergencies consisting of an old laptop and Intuos 3 tablet.

The main setup with new 24 inch monitor.

The alt setup, for when something else dies.
With that taken care of I was able to meet the deadlines and get back up to speed on plans for the new year. Plans that so far include a trip to Austin for Staple!, another Dallas Comic Con or two and a Space-Gun Studios retreat coming up where we’ll be planning our world domination for 2011.
So hopefully I’ll be posting more art and design in the near future, and will be able to include some of the design projects I’ve been having to keep under warps, including some sweet iPhone and iPad apps.
So here’s to 2011 and its slow but steady start!
by Matthew Warlick | Jan 18, 2011 | Events, Randomness, Year In Review
This meme went around last year and as always I managed to finish mine but never got around to posting it.

Favorite artists of mine shown here include Todd McFarlane, Rob Liefeld, While Portacio, Jim Lee, Sam Keith (all early 90’s favorites), Jack ‘The King’ Kirby, Erik Larsen, Mike Mignola, Wayne Barlow, Ben Templesmith & Scott McCloud. The Aliens franchise and sci-fi in general are a big influence, as are painters like Pollock and Dali, along with a ton of interactive design stuff I didn’t have room to include.
And only a few months late, I’m posting like it’s 2010!
by Matthew Warlick | Nov 14, 2009 | Blog, Randomness
So the comic project that was scheduled to start in 2010 has officially fallen through, and with spare time and bills a-plenty pilling up I’m going to open up spots for Holiday commissions.
Commissions can be of any character; comic book heroes/villians, movie or literary figures, portraits of your loved one or even original artmade by me left to my own devices. 😉
I’ll be taking payment through PayPal, and will gurantee a pre-Christmas delivery for all requests I receive before December 9th. Base price for pieces will be $10 for b&w and $20 for color.
I’ll accomodate digital delivery as well as snail mail orders for folks who want original art. If you want to be really picky and/or make a complicated request email me at soulcoredotnet (a) to talk specifics.
$10 bucks gets you an inked sketch of any character delivered by email.
$20 bucks gets you a full color sketch delivered by email.
$30 bucks gets you an inked sketched delivered snail mail style.
$40 gets you a color print delivered snail mail style.
$10 per each additional character.
Order with the handy Paypal Dropdown below!
by Matthew Warlick | Nov 14, 2009 | Art & Illustration, Randomness
Superhero stress reliefe at its best. When all else fails, just draw!

On a side note, I’m open for commissions.
by Matthew Warlick | Nov 2, 2009 | 30 Characters, Art & Illustration, Randomness
Day 2 of the 30Characters/30Days project.

Discovered wandering the Pacific in 1903, Mountain Man was recruited into the first Federal League of Heroes in 1933.
After decades of loyal service tragedy struck on June 26th 1980, when, in the heat of battle, Mountain Man was knocked unconscious by Professor Gravitron. His subsequent fall to Earth wiped Plano, Texas and its 220,000 citizens off the map.
He has since become a recluse, shying away from public attention. He now resides in Yellowstone National Park.
by Matthew Warlick | Nov 7, 2008 | Art & Illustration, Randomness
Starting today at noon, then again tomorrow and Sunday, at the Arlington Convention Center.
Me and my fellow Space-Gun Studios crew will be in Artist’s Alley at tables 2520 & 2530 with plenty of books, prints, and original art.
Come on out and get your funnybook/nerd/geek/art-dork on!
Hit the official Wizard Wolrd Texas Website for more details.